The Multidisciplinary Research Journal (JOREP) is an open-access research journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation across a wide range of academic disciplines. Our mission is to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, and professionals to share their findings, insights, and perspectives, contributing to the global exchange of ideas and the progress of science and society.

Our journal covers a broad spectrum of disciplines, enabling researchers worldwide to share their findings and perspectives. The main categories we address include:

  • Economics and Management Sciences
  • Legal, Political, and Administrative Sciences
  • Psychological and Educational Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Science and Technology
  • Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  • Human and Social Sciences; Literature and Arts

We firmly believe in the importance of multidisciplinary research to address the complex challenges facing our world today. Each article published in JOREP undergoes a rigorous peer-review process to ensure its quality and scientific impact.